Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 07.00 AM - 07.00 PM


Our Curriculum

Learn And Fun ECC, follows the British Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and ensures that your child gains the best learning experiences through observations and specific age-appropriate planning. Our Medium of instruction is English with emphasis given to learn Arabic and French language also. We strive to create the best learning environment for your children to play, discover and achieve.

Our curriculum is theme-based and is enhanced with special learning opportunities at each level. All classrooms and teachers collaborate to create an authentic and meaningful learning experience that reach across the curriculum and engage the whole child.

We take registrations for children from 45 days to 5 years of age and offer a variety of timings to suit our busy parents. Our opening hours are 7 am – 7 pm with a choice of 3, 4 and 5 day options. We offer morning and afternoon study classes enhanced with different extra-curricular activities.

Our staff are our most important asset and so we employ highly qualified and experienced professionals. They undergo continual training and are well versed in dealing with small kids of all ages. We also work with a group of partners in the fields of sports, music and dance to ensure quality services within our settings.

(45 days - 12 months)


Our ECC is child orientated and provides a stimulating, colorful, safe and clean learning environment. We have a sleeping area and a play area which is equipped with age and stage appropriate toys and equipment.

Our teachers work in partnership with parents in developing this environment and ensuring that there is lots of cuddling, soothing, talking and singing which allows babies to feel safe and secure in their surroundings.

We plan a range of stimulating activities daily which are linked to the British Early Years Foundation Stage and are designed to meet each child’s individual needs. We achieve this by a lot of one to one attention, and activities which encourage curiosity and learning.

In the early months of child development, our main focus is on nurturing love and social bonds while teaching the importance of sharing. For young toddlers, our goals are to familiarize them with small group activities, singing, and looking at books.

We provide opportunities for children to interact with their peers and adults, helping them develop social awareness and knowledge about their world. We also establish routines and introduce simple social rules to prepare them for future learning. Fun activities like counting rhymes, songs, and sharing toys are a regular part of our program.

We encourage self-reliance and self-help skills by giving children small tasks they can handle and rewarding their efforts with praise. Creative activities, including painting, playdough, and various art materials, are offered daily, allowing children to experiment and have fun while learning.

(12- 24 months)

Young Toddlers

(24-36 months)

Big Toddlers

For children 24-36 months, we gently introduce them to a classroom setting by incorporating play, engaging stories, music, movement, and fun activities. They begin to participate in short lessons, which may include themes, stories, comprehension exercises, or focusing on numbers and letters.

We also introduce them to basic concepts while helping them adapt to classroom behaviour, like sitting, listening, and responding appropriately. Our teachers create a well-balanced daily schedule, allowing children to engage in various educational activities such as puzzles and floor-play to enhance their motor skills.

With a stress-free and less intense approach, children grow more confident, fostering a positive learning environment that encourages their development.

This stage of learning is dedicated to equipping children with the essential skills they’ll need as they transition to mainstream schools.

We offer a diverse range of activities, including arts and crafts using materials like paint, clay, playdough, and collages, as well as engaging storytime sessions featuring a variety of reading materials, from poems to fiction and non-fiction. Children participate in circle time, messy play, outdoor and soft play, role-playing, jigsaw puzzles, water and sand play, and mathematical games that focus on patterns and counting.

Moreover, they delve into phonics and letter awareness, which helps them recognize the sounds associated with different letters of the alphabet. Letter formation and recognition are also emphasized, laying a strong foundation for future challenges like reading and writing, ultimately preparing them for the next phase of their educational journey.

(36-48 months)


(48-60 months)


This is a very exciting time and phase of our ECC. The activities are specially designed to ensure a smooth transition and we look forward to supporting them.

We believe that learning takes place in many ways both inside and outside the classroom, therefore we ensure that the children are subject to rich experiences .We follow the Letters and Sounds program for Phonics, which helps the children to become confident speakers and readers.

Children are encouraged, not only to work on the knowledge of the world around them, but to also work on their personal and social development, allowing them to become well-rounded, polite and happy children, who are able to cope with impending school life and education.

The setting is buzzing with joyful activities throughout the year

We offer summer, winter and spring camps in the nursery.

The camps promise to be a magical and enriching experience designed exclusively for young children. They are carefully crafted to provide a safe, fun, and educational environment where young minds can thrive, build friendships and create lasting memories.

Let’s give our children’s imagination wings, with which they can explore and fly high.

Contact us for a time filled with laughter and learning.


Afternoon Care

We offer an affordable afternoon programme in the nursery.

This programme goes beyond traditional learning, focusing on creative and personality development. Our teachers have carefully designed an afternoon program that contributes significantly to the comprehensive development of children by offering extended learning opportunities, promoting socialization, incorporating enrichment activities, and preparing them for future educational experiences.

Activities include a balance of artistic expression, physical activity, social interaction, and emotional awareness. The structured yet flexible schedule aims to cater to the unique needs and interests of each child while promoting a positive and nurturing environment.